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CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): You have to make an appearance today. You will feel better after it is done; besides, you really don’t mind meeting this responsibility. Join a loved one or friend in the late afternoon. Choose a favourite pastime. Tonight: Be where the action is.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Some of you could be making travel plans for next month, while others might be addressing your Christmas cards. A call in the late afternoon takes you away from the reverie and into the moment. Tonight: Check in with an older relative or friend. 

PISCES (Feb 19-March 20): Be sensitive to a partner or friend. After all the socializing, you will want to kick back and relax together. Even though you might have been under the same roof for Thanksgiving, you could have very different stories to share. Tonight: Where there is good music.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): You can’t seem to indulge someone enough, whether you are participating in the Black Friday shopping frenzy or simply hanging back with this person. Don’t worry — there is no question about your feelings, or his or hers. Tonight: How about leftovers for two?

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You can do only so much, and then you need to pull back and observe the results. Know that you can’t always tweak a situation to your liking. Screen your calls, as many people could be seeking you out. Be present in the moment. Tonight: Hang out as long as you want.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You are so upbeat about every facet of the long weekend that you might feel like a kid who is waiting for Santa. Do not forget to check in with a loved one. Your presence makes all the difference to this person. Tonight: Finally, you are able to kick back and relax.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Understand that it could be hard to make a family member happy. This person could be vested in staying grumpy, and there is little that you can do. In fact, if you keep trying to change his or her mood, you can be sure that he or she will repeat this act! Tonight: Time for you.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Plans made yesterday probably still will work. Getting together with a special friend over a long meal puts a smile on both your faces. Before you know it, hours will have flown by. Take advantage of Black Friday, or at least check it out. Tonight: Exhausted at home.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): You might be quite busy dispensing funds today as you buy one great gift 
after another. Try to resist playing the “one for you, 
one for me, one for Sally, another for me” game. Schedule a late meal with a loved one before he or she leaves town. Tonight: Slow.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): You might feel as if you are on top of the world. Make the most of today. Reach out to an old friend and make plans to get together. Each of you feeds the others’ sense of humor. Be sensitive to a loved one’s expectations. Tonight: Make it your treat. 

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): You won’t be readily available, and you might not be in the mood to share what you are doing with others. You will get a lot questions or at least a subtle inquiry or two. Let people think what they want to think. Tonight: Meet some friends at a favorite spot. 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Make time for a special friend; perhaps the two of you can get a little shopping done together. Investing in a common experience is important in order to keep this bond alive and well. You’ll have a hoot together and lose all sense of time. Tonight: Take a personal night. 



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