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CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Allow greater give-and-take between you and others. A friend could have difficulty 
opening up.  Know that his or her attitude could have 
little to do with you. Your willingness to adapt to various 
situations points you to the winners’ circle. Tonight: Tap into your imagination.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Deal with a specific 
family member directly. You could feel pushed to your 
limit by a loved one whom you care a lot about. How 
you view situations could change radically as a result of an experience surrounding today’s events. Tonight: Chat and visit with a close friend. 

PISCES (Feb 19-March 20): You could be inspired by one other person to tackle a new goal or to move to a new level of accomplishment. You sometimes get confused by this person, yet at other times his or her influence gives you more confidence. Tonight: Whatever you do, just don’t be alone.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): You will want to meld 
with others in order to accomplish a particular task. 
Sometimes this type of interpersonal cooperation can be difficult, as you are a very independent sign. You still manage to project a leadership profile, even when being docile. Tonight: Work off some tension. 

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Open up to a more dynamic approach to a situation in your life. You might like the idea of this change, but to manifest it will prove to be more difficult. Thinking is important, but you will get nowhere unless you act. You have little to lose. Tonight: So what if it is only Tuesday?

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You have a desire not to be the town crier. You might be up for playing the role of recluse for a few days. Excuse yourself from commitments, and know where you are heading. Be smart, and refrain from speaking until you are sure of yourself. Tonight: All smiles.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Make the first move. You will get far more done than you thought was even possible, once you feel unburdened and free from a personal issue. A call could make all the difference in the outcome of your day. Tonight: Accept an invitation to join someone for munchies. 

LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Be aware of the problems around you, and be direct in how you approach a situation, especially if it involves your finances. You can’t be too careful in how you approach this matter. Recognise that someone could be angry. Work this through with him or her. Tonight: Your treat

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Assess whether it is a good idea to proceed as you have been. Listen to someone’s opinion, but know that you might need some more time to reflect on the main issue. Postpone signing off on agreements, at least for today. Tonight: Act as if you do not have a care in your world.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Your words make more of an impression than you might realise. At the same time, withholding your thoughts will have a similar effect. Others question themselves, especially when you become quiet. Use caution with any money arrangements. Tonight: Not to be found. 

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): Meetings take high priority, whether you like it or not. They also might help you 
initiate a new or different plan of action. Recognise 
where someone else’s anger is coming from, even if he or she can’t. Say very little about your perceptions for now. Tonight: Where your friends are.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): You respond positively to pressure, especially if you feel as if you will be acknowledged for your efforts. An intense conflict exists 
within you between work and a domestic matter. You will need to channel your high energy and use it more positively. Tonight: Happy at home. 



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